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6 commentaires

  • Nate

    Is everyone from the same domain or do you have some external folks sprinkled in?
    Have you tried the same function by splitting the list in half and doing 32 and 33?

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  • Micah Hanthorn

    I tried one email at a time, and I received the same message. The emails are also different companies, but have sent other 'share outs' to similar companies.

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  • Nate

    Out of curiosity, have you tried from the Box app on a mobile phone?  Also, have you tried to add a personal gmail or similar address of yours?

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  • Micah Hanthorn

    I have tried a personal email as well as sending it to a personal computer. Unfortunately, it didn't work. I have had other co-workers try add the emails and we have all gotten the same error message.

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  • Nate

    For your company, if you go to https://[yourcompanyname] - do you see anything there which may prevent you from externally sharing?

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  • Agbanaglo Evelyn Jacinta

    I'm trying to upgrade but it's not going through

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