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Can't add 2FA; same problem as others here

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3 commentaires

  • Vivun Eng

    The 2FA QR code issue has resolved itself with time - that's set up now.

    I'm still unable to add new emails to my account though. I've tried various emails and the UI is unable to add any of them (same error message as above)

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  • Rona

    Hi there,

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    Great to hear your Multi-factor authentication issue is fixed! Have you checked if the email you're replacing it with is already registered on Box? Just a reminder, one email can't be used for two accounts.

    Hope it helps! 

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  • Vivun Eng

    Yes, the email I am trying to add is a new service account alias that has not existed prior to now... so it's not registered elsewhere on Box.

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