Question about box.Toolkit.deleteUserAssociation('SFDC_User_ID')
I have an issue with a User that was deleted and recreated, I found this article ( which is the same error I'm getting. My question is: what will happen and what should I do after running 'box.Toolkit.deleteUserAssociation('SFDC_User_ID');' to give back access to all the folders the user should have?
Are you familiar with the box__FRUP__c object in Salesforce? That is the way that Salesforce knows which users have collaborated on which records in Salesforce. Then the Box managed package helps "translate" that to collaborator records in Box. My guess is there are still some lingering records tying that Salesforce record to the previous "version" of that user.
How familiar are w/ that object and the Salesforce data model (before I start suggesting advice)?
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