Box Disconnecting While Working on a File Saved Within Box - Unable to Save File

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6 commentaires

  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Do you encounter any sort of error message when you try to save your work but unable to? Can you share it here so the community can take a closer look?


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  • Awecomm


    I am waiting for the error to occur again. I receive an error about saving within Microsoft Excel, that the location I'm trying to save to is not available. Box will eventually return but I usually have to save outside of The Box to have it work. I do not have a clear screenshot, when it occurs again I will look for an error message.

    Thank you,

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  • Awecomm

    This is the error provided from the client that experienced the problem.

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  • France

    Hi there, 

    Unfortunately, the image is too blurry for us to see the error message.

    Can you please ask for a better image showing this error message so we can take a look?


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  • Awecomm


    Unfortunately I am unable to procure a clearer screenshot at this time. The issue is that once the client is working on an Excel file that is saved in the Box, it won't allow them to save their work, and sometimes it causes Excel to force stop. I have tried uninstalled and reinstalling the program but that has not helped. Any idea what we could try to rectify this? I believe the error message is just saying the client cannot save the file in it's original location (a location within Box).

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  • France

    Hi there, 

    Apologies for the delay in responding here!

    Can you please have the affected user/ client of yours that encounter this error to Product Support team to further investigation.

    The error seems to be thrown by the user's Microsoft System so i would highly recommend to have the user submit a ticket of this to support on this page so the team can work directly with him in diagnosing this issue.

    Thanks for your participation in the forum and feel free to post again should you have questions.


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