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File Upload Failure Message with Two File Versions Created [NetSuite Integration]

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12 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel

    Hi Everyone, 

    I just want to give a quick update on this.

    Our engineering team has confirmed that the issue you reported should now be resolved.

    More details can be found in our status page here

    If you are still seeing issues, please go ahead and submit a ticket to our support team at https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and someone will get in touch with you to further troubleshoot and look into this.

    Thanks again for all your patience and for your support!


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  • Monette Ygnacio

    Same thing happening here. Started a few days ago. 

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  • Karanjot Singh

    Same thing. Experiencing this since last thursday.

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  • Steven Oakes

    Did you open a ticket? I did and they are investigating. Is your issue fixed or are they working on it?

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  • Karanjot Singh

    I was informed to me by my team just today morning and i came here to see if its a known issue.

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  • Amanda Summers

    This appears to be happening as well with Salesforce integration.  

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  • Steven Oakes

    Salesforce too? How so. I need to warn my Team as we use Box integration with Salesforce. 

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  • Amanda Summers

    We're experiencing the same result as described in the initial post.  The user either drags and drops a file into Salesforce or uses the upload link and they receive a File Upload Error notification.  Upon refreshing the screen, you can see that there are actually two versions that have been uploaded.  We've tested with Chrome and Firefox and received the same results in both.

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  • Steven Oakes

    Amanda, thanks for the heads up. Did you open a ticket? Please let us know if they provide a solution as I will too.

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  • Amanda Summers

    Yes, I did as well.  

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  • Sweet

    We're experiencing this same issue as of the last week or so. 

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  • France

    Hi All, 

    Thanks for your posts in the Community!

    We appreciate you raising this issue to us, and our engineering team is currently aware of this situation.

    While they are working on a fix for this issue, please subscribe to our updates here status.box.com for more information on our team's progress.

    Appreciate your patience and thanks for your help!


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