Box sorting used to default to "Updated" but now is alphabetical?

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8 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Deanna, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    You can sort your files and folders by Name, Update Date, and Size. Simply click the appropriate header to sort.

    Unfortunately, there isn't a way to  to save sort preferences at present.

    If this is something you would like to be able to do, I would highly recommend submitting this feature request at! Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.



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  • Francesco Pasin

    Hi,  it went back to "sort by last update by default".  Did Box add a setting for default  sort settings since this post?



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  • Aaron Barclay

    If there is no way to save a sort preference, why does it sometimes get stuck on an undesired preference? Right now I'm stuck on sort by Size. I have to sort by Name *every* time I open a folder, even a folder I have already sorted by name in the same session.

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  • Josue Ortiz

    Aaron, I am assuming that you are using the web app.

    If you change the view to Grid View and set the sort there, your preference is persisted even across browsers.

    You can change back to List View and the sort is kept.

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  • Adam Smith

    It's INCREDIBLY annoying that there's no way to change the preference for sort order. I understand that some people will want the ability to set most recent as their default, but those of us working in well-organized file environments typically want alphabetical sort. But every single time I go to a different folder, it's back to sorting by last updated rather than alphabetical.

    There really needs to be an option to save default sort so that you don't have to manually keep selecting it every time. Otherwise this product is useless from a business perspective, as far as I'm concerned.

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  • Aaron Barclay

    I found the the sort preference one sets in the "All Files" view is applied to all Box folders as the default. If you desire a default alphabetical sort, go to All Files and sort by Name. When you refresh or return to other folders, they should be sorted by name too.

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  • Ram Srinivasan

    Amazing Aaron, thank you - this worked

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  • Evelyn Farez

    Only works if you own all the folders!  I have to resort every folder every time I open one - definitely not a productive use of my time!

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