Box folder in finder favorites gone

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3 commentaires

  • Kara Hoffman


    I can only help if you're on a mac.  Previously, Box loaded as more of a server and you could bookmark it.  With the new update, i'm finding that box's location is now inside my library folder.  User> Library> CloudStorage> Box-Box is how the path shows.  I was able to recreate my Finder bookmark by scrolling down in my sidebar list to see "Locations" and it showed up as a different icon.  I just dragged that to my sidebar.  There are a few things that i'm not loving about this new structure, but I'm guessing it was for "under-the-hood" type improvements.  One other key; if you can't find box in your sidebar, while in Finder go to Go> hold down Option, and choose "Library".  This will then let you navigate to that box location inside of CloudStorage.  Hope that helps!

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  • B R. Balmer

    Thanks Kara! I was able to find the folder in "Locations" (I don't have a Library in my user folder). I have, however, decided to switch plan providers because I've always felt a bit unsettled by my files not existing on both my computer and a cloud storage (especially when that file suddenly disappears!), and I don't like that there isn't an option for receiving direct customer support (particularly for how costly the service is). 

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  • France

    Hi Everyone, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    This behavior you reported with Favorites on the latest Box Drive update (v2.24) appears to expected:

    • Existing Favorites will not be carried forward from kernel-mode to FPE mode, so you'll need to manually re-add Box folders under "Favorites".

    For further details, please take a look at this article:

    Thanks for your post and let us know how else we can help!



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