Is there a default set amount of time a file will remain in Box?
Is there a default set amount of time a file will remain in Box? Just want to make sure the files I have already added to Box aren't going to automatically deleted on me. Still learning the ropes on how to use Box and just wanted to know if there is a already a default time limit files will remain after they have been added. I have a bunch of project related files that I would like to remain in Box indefinitely, as they are needing to be kept for project file record. And if there is a default setup of time for a file, how can I check when my file will be deleted?
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Hi Christen,
Welcome to the Box Community!
Contents you own and store in Box will remain for as long as your account is active. So yes, if you are uploading files to folders you own, these can stay indefinitely in Box as long as your account is active.
Thanks for posting in the forum and please let us know how else we might be of help!
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Thank you France. I have a follow-up question... If I was to leave my current place of work, how could I insure that the files I had in my personal Box folder wouldn't be deleted if they are needed for project file record. How would that work? Such as would I have to assign someone else to the folders that I didn't want deleted?
Hi Christen,
You're welcome!
For your follow-up question, you have the option to transfer the ownership of the folders you own to someone else in your organization. You can do this manually following the steps in this article.
Your Box admin might also perform a "Delete and Transfer" which allows them to delete former employees from their instance and transfer the ownership of that employee's contents to someone else in the organization.
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