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Box Drive syncing files that aren't synced.

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3 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Dave, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    The Sync function you see in Box.com is specifically for Box Sync and not of Box Drive nor have any effect to it. 

    Box Drive does not use this function, and it basically mirrors all your files and folders that is in Box.com in a form of "cache data"  into your desktop.

    Box Drive's cache size limit is set to 50% of your available local disk space with a maximum limit of 25GB and a minimum of 1GB. If it's taking too much space on your device, you can adjust this limit.

    To do this, please see steps in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695894-Technical-Information-for-Box-Drive-Administrators 


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  • Keith Clements

    This is happening with a number of our users as well, where after the user logs out of BOX Drive, it automatically begins another "sync" and begins to erroneously take up HD space.  In troubleshooting, the only way we've had luck alleviating this (and we're not sure for how long it works) is by logging out and rebooting the machine, a couple times.  By the third time, it seems to work but again, we're unsure of the issue source or if this is a long-term solution.

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  • lori long

    Same issue. I am tearing my hair out, moving b-roll files to sequestered parts of Box hoping to eliminate syncing. EEK. Help!

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