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Shortcuts on Box

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3 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Brie,

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Upon checking, it looks like 'Shortcuts' created via Windows Explorer or Finder is one of those items that is ignored and will not be synced by Box Sync or Box Drive programs. Ignored files include invisible in Windows Explorer or Finder, such as temporary or system files. Blocked files include file types that Box Sync or Box Drive does not recognize.

    For more details, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044195433-File-Types-Ignored-or-Blocked-by-Box-Sync-and-Box-Drive 

    If this is something you would like to be supported, I would highly recommend submitting this feature request at pulse.box.com! Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.

    Thanks for reaching out and please let us know how else we can help!


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  • Alyssa A Nelson

    Hi. I also need a 'shortcuts' feature. What's described in the initial suggestion/request already exists in other apps like Google Drive. We use it all the time-- many many use cases.

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  • France

    Hi Alyssa, 

    Thanks for jumping in and welcome to the Box Community!

    I've checked in Pulse- our Product feedback page and there is an existing feature request to support syncing Shortcuts for Box Drive, however, this is currently not on the road-map. You can find the suggestion in this post: https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-help-shape-the-future-of-box/suggestions/38479276-syncing-bookmarks-and-windows-shortcuts-between-bo 

    Our product teams review and respond to ideas there so I would definitely encourage you to add your vote and your voice – we aren't able to implement every idea, but the more details we know there about the use case and the impact, the better we are able to prioritize it.

    Thanks for reaching out and let us know how else we can help!


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