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3 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Bridget,

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Before you upload them, may I know where are these files originally stored/ located? Are they from a third party service or website?

    Could you provide more details about the issue that you encounter? Additional information can help us understand what issue is and provide tips to resolve it.


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  • Bridget Stapleton

    These files are stored on Box- I am opening the illustrator files from box, and trying to export jpegs into box. 


    I don't know what other details i can provide- I export all of my pages as normal and haven't had this issue until recently 

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  • Bridget Stapleton

    I am still having this issue- I'm completely unable to export jpegs into box. This is halting my workload and i have no idea how to get into contact with someone who can help me from box. It's insane that I can't export into box from a file i opened from box... 

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