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4 commentaires

  • Kennedy Englert

    My agency is having this problem as well.


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  • France

    Hi Melissa, and Kennedy!

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help.

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having issue uploading to Box. Have you tried the tips provided in this article to resolve your issues?: Troubleshooting Uploads to Box

    If you have and still have issues, please go ahead and submit a support ticket to our Product Support team so they can further investigate with you, this may need some specific account information to further isolate.

    Let us know how else we can help and if you have questions!


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  • Lee McMurtry

    We are also seeing the same problem with .psd file, it happens across multiple machines all running the MacOS client. We can get around the problem by uploading via the web browser.

    The error displayed is:
    Network error.
    Suggestion: check your network connection and try again.

    Worth noting it seems to happen to random files and the size makes no difference for example I have a 400mb file and a 3.17gb that refuse to upload via the client.


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  • Lee McMurtry

    We opened a support ticket concerning this problem and have not heard anything back in NINE days :(

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