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File upload error for Apple users. Upload 0kb cloud files

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10 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel

    Hi Everyone, 

    Welcome to Box Community and I'm here to assist! 

    We highly recommend updating your Box Drive to help fix this type of error. And here's our helpful article for the additional details. 

    Stay well! 

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  • AJ

    Hi Raul,

    Welcome to the Box Community! I'm happy to help.

    This issue would be better addressed by our Product Support. I've created a ticket for you. They'll be in touch with you soon.
    Please check your email for updates. 
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  • Rob Ghosh

    I have the same problem on my mac too... only happens with Photoshop files. This is using Box Drive. However, if I duplicate the image in Box Drive, that one syncs correctly. 

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  • Tsan

    I have the same problem. Emailing Raul personally doesn't help the rest of us who has this exact problem! Please fix ASAP!

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  • Tsan

    And box.com, be transparent how we can resolve when this happens!

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  • Jennifer Stephens

    I have this problem as well. Has anyone has any luck getting this resolved?

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  • Rob Ghosh

    Jennifer, nothing's been resolved yet on my end. I'm using Box Drive for Mac and I've deleted the Box App and reinstalled as well. This only seems to be happening to my photoshop files. InDesign and Illustrator files SEEM to be OK. However, if I duplicate the file in Box Drive view by option-dragging the file, the duplicate file DOES sync correctly and I can share the Box link with people without the 0 kb issue. It's a huge pain, but it's my work around right now. Of course you have to delete the old ones and rename the new ones if you don't want a number 2 next to your file name. 

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  • Kara Hoffman

    I updated today to vs 2.27.250 and it's working again on my iMac.  hope you have the same experience!  (and that it's fixed on my other computers as well)

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  • Rob Ghosh

    Kara!!! Yes. It worked!! THANK YOU for the suggestion! Everyone, upgrade your Box Drive for desktop. 

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  • Raul Serrano

    it works!!. at least a small test that I have done has worked. 👏👏

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