File Sync, Save & Save As issue: Adobe Photoshop
New issue over the last 5 weeks. Photoshop files around 400–800MB will not update to box, leaves red exclamation icon with "network error" listed as issue.
• Confirmed there is no network issue on my side. Or at the other locations and users I have tested with.
• Photoshop files copy and work fine with other compeditor cloud drives, it just seems to be some sort of glitch on BOX.
• other files with similar size also upload fine. Zip and mp4 video files.
• Tested on multiple computers and different types of internet through the world, same issue.
• Newest OS, Newest Box Drive, all permissions checked in security, 1GB wired connection with no data loss issues.
—Mac OS Montery 12.5.1
—Box Drive 2.27.250
Hi Viper_3,
Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!
This would be something Product Support team can investigate with you and may require specific account information.
I see that you already have an open ticket for this issue and our representative is now investigating, please continue working with them and check your email for updates.
All the Best,
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