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This article might help:
towns a ajouté un commentaire,
Hi there, I believe the answer to your issue is that you are using V1 Webhooks and you have to contact Customer Support to enable the webhook. The easier solution is to use Webhooks V2 and our ...
towns a ajouté un commentaire,
Hey Everyone, We are aware of the issue with getting Admin Tokens using the .NET SDK. We have a PR that is working its way through the process. Once that PR lands successfully we will cut a new...
towns a ajouté un commentaire,
Hey Everyone, We are aware of the issue with getting Admin Tokens using the .NET SDK. We have a PR that is working its way through the process. Once that PR lands successfully we will cut a new...
towns a ajouté un commentaire,
This usually means that the Folder ID that you have specified is not valid on your account. Are you sure that the folder ID that you are passing in is valid? Perhaps add some debugging t...
towns a ajouté un commentaire,
Hi there, I am assuming that you did include your actual developer token in the BoxAPIConnection() constructor? You can generate a developer token from the Dev Console on the Configuration page. ...
towns a ajouté un commentaire,
The signature is generated as part of the token signing process. You feed your payload, private key, public key, and options to a library that will do the signing for you and generate the JWT toke...