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Activité récente par iancrew-
Hi @Jason62: It's an old thread that I'm reviving here, and I'm not @Balaji, but one big use case would be scrambling those external passwords periodically for security reasons, or as people leave ...
Box support can recover files for a small window of time even after they’ve been deleted. Presumably the sane would be true for old file versions.
I’d also point out that if Box was to provide a way to overwrite a file without creating a new version, that’d be a pretty big gift to the ransomware writers of the world...
Not a clue. I'm also eagerly awaiting it.Ian
Hi : See https://cloud.googleblog.com/2016/09/Google-and-Box-partner-to-transform-work-in-the-cloud.html and https://blog.box.com/blog/box-and-google/ for some good news. Cheers, Ian
Hi : Check out https://community.box.com/t5/Managing-Your-Content/How-Do-I-Lock-Files-While-I-m-Editing-Them/ta-p/334 Hope that helps! Ian
I mentioned Box’s native FTP support earlier in this thread, but also check out https://rclone.org/box— rclone is very similar to rsync, but for various cloud services. Hope that helps! Ian
You might want to check out rclone (https://rclone.org/box/) and/or the public beta of ExpanDrive for Linux (https://www.expandrive.com/expandrive-for-linux/) as alternatives. Box has unfortunatel...
See https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697274-Managing-developer-sandboxes-for-Box-admins for Box’s developer sandboxes feature, which eliminates most of the risk as you develop code....
Maybe using rclone (https://rclone.org/box/) or FTP (https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697414-Using-Box-with-FTP-or-FTPS) would be easier than using curl?