Forced Logout + 2-Factor Authentication When Granting Permission to Third-Part
This issue is increasingly frustrating, and your online support has obviously not pursued my complaint.
I'll give you a scenario - I use Box to upload files to Vimeo - soon after I go back to Box, and I've been logged out and have to enter 2-factor codes. I give you a second one, I login via FileZilla FTP - once again soon after I've been logged out and have to enter 2-factor codes.
This issue is making my workflow much more inefficient as I might be in the middle of uploading files, and I then have to go back and check which files were actually uploaded as you have no way of saving my recent history or way of "continuing" where I left off.
Therefore, it's usually easier to use FileZilla FTP to "Overwrite if the source file size is different" and skip the rest. However, on the web version, you have no option for this - it will automatically just upload and replace everything.
So back to 2 Factor - you need to allow US a way of whitelisting devices and IP addresses and specific connections. If I grant access to it, then you show to allow it. I am required to use 2FA and believe in it but I cannot have this happen continuously.
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