How to access files from public app user (no access token)

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  • Kourtney

    Hey Isabel, 

    It sounds like you will indeed want to use JWT as the authentication method. However, you're always going to need an access token in order to access Box content for security reasons. Your code should take care of this and not require any end-user interaction. Your developer token is going to be associated with your account's email address, whereas by default, you'll obtain a token for the app's service account. You can validate which user is associated with your token by calling this endpoint. You'll take the service account's email address (AutomationUser) and add it as a collaborator on the content you want your application to have access to. Since you don't want them to be able to edit/delete, it sounds like you may want to use the preview collaboration level, but I recommend reviewing the chart of options here



    Box Developer Advocate

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