Some of our images are corrupted or not able to view from Box
I do have issues with uploaded images from our application. Please investigate and let me know what might be the issue.
My ClientId: 1fuhiknqc75x8sqf7zq53y00l80w13cx
These following file id and images are having issues.
FileId Image Name
752093799492 - 938IMG_1594.PNG
751695659764 - 36IMG_0049.JPG
752505130243 - 254image.jpg
752077095469 - 533IMG_0012.JPG
750808152482 - 484IMG_0068.JPG
749573403239 - 316IMG_0139.JPG
When i tried to open these images i am getting 404 error. Also let me know if there a way to get the corrupted images from my folder.
Official comment
A 404 indicates that the user associated with your access token does not own or collaborate on the content you're trying to download. To confirm which user is associated with your token, I recommend using the get current user endpoint. To resolve this error you will either need to obtain a token for a user that already has access or add this user as a collaborator.
As for any issues with the images themselves, that will require further investigation by our support team.
Kourtney, Box Developer Advocate
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