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Obtaining box links en masse

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  • Official comment

    Hello Vienna, 

    It is possible to create shared links in bulk via our API. I would recommend doing this with our CLI based on what you've described. Here is documentation for the command you'd want to use: https://github.com/box/boxcli/blob/master/docs/folders.md#box-foldersshare-id. This will allow you to create a .csv file with one column of all the folder IDs you'd like a shared link for and then you can export the results as a .csv so you have each generated shared link. 

    box folders:share ID --bulk-file-path=INSERTPATHHERE --save-to-file-path=INSERTPATHHERE


    Kourtney, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Nick Birkby

    Hi Kourtney,

    Is there a way of getting Box links for files in bulk (about 100 files) without using API?  Unfortunaltey, I don't have API skills.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • Kristina Soler

    Bumping this inquiry. Can we get box links in bulk without this API?

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  • Drygon

    i tried this command but its not working, error Could not open input file. Im trying to create shared link for all files in a specific folders. and i want it to set preview only access. how to do it?

    box folders:share ID --bulk-file-path=INSERTPATHHERE --save-to-file-path=INSERTPATHHERE
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  • Jan Ostermann

    Also interested in this, preferably without going through the API

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