

  • Kourtney

    Hey Dan, 

    Yes, it is possible to add and delete tags via the API. You are correct that you need to use the update file endpoint. There is a note on this if you look at the tags body parameter: 

    To add or remove a tag, retrieve the item's current tags, modify them, and then update this field.



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  • Dan Ma

    Hey Kourtney

    Thank you for your answer,I know the boby parameter.In this way, current tags will be covered. If I want  to add or delete tag I have to know the current  tags . I want to know if there are other endpoints that can add tags directly without knowing the existing tags.

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  • Kourtney

    Ah I see what you're saying -- thank you for the clarification. No, unfortunately, there is not currently a separate endpoint for this. If this is a feature you'd like to see added to our roadmap, please submit your feedback to our product team at

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