
1 comment

  • Emmila Smith

    Yes, you can move Box Drive to an external hard drive on a Mac. Here are the steps you can follow:

    1. Quit Box Drive: Make sure Box Drive is closed before you start the process. You can do this by clicking on the Box Drive icon in the menu bar and selecting "Quit Box Drive".

    2. Locate Box Drive Folder: Find the current location of your Box Drive folder on your Mac. By default, it is usually in the "Applications" folder.

    3. Copy the Box Drive Folder: Connect your external hard drive to your Mac. Then, drag and drop the Box Drive folder from its current location to the external hard drive. This will copy the entire folder and its contents.

    4. Create a Symbolic Link (Optional): If you want to maintain a link between the original location and the new external drive location, you can create a symbolic link. Open the Terminal and use the ln -s command. For example, if you moved the Box Drive folder to a folder named "Box" on the external drive, the command would look like this:

      ln -s /Volumes/ExternalDriveName/Box ~/Applications/Box\ Drive

      Replace "ExternalDriveName" with the actual name of your external hard drive.

    5. Launch Box Drive: Once the folder is successfully copied to the external hard drive, you can launch Box Drive. It may prompt you to choose the location of the Box Drive folder. Navigate to the external hard drive and select the Box Drive folder. Last week, the data for this site, which pertains to  traffic rider game was migrated from Box to an external drive. This site provides comprehensive information about the motorbike racing game

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