
1 comment

  • nico

    You have ideally two options:

    Download the data manually and copy it to dropbox or use some of the utilities out there to migrate it for you.  When we had to do this for one of our departments, we ended up with two different solutions:

    1) it is a cloud based SaaS. You have to key in your access credentials for box and dropbox on it and it handles the migration. They charge per cloud platform, users, and data size. It seemed easy but our security team did not approve of them because they did not want our credentials saved on someone else's platform as the data is going passing through their cloud.

    2) Gurusquad gsrichcopy 360 enterprise. It is the solution we used. it is a single puchase license. You install it on your windows machine then point the source to and point the destination to and let it do its thing. It was pretty easy and straightforward. Security department did not have issues with credentials stored elsewhere and data does not transfer through any other network.

    The difference between gurusquad and cloud fuze is cloud fuze can migrate more than just data.  So if all you want to migrate is just the files\folders, then gurusquad solution should work. 

    we did not evaluate any opensource ones but not sure if there is open source.




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