

  • same here!

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  • Glen Adams

    I have constant problems with preview not loading, which is major barrier in my work.  The lack of telephone support is unacceptable.  I am now looking for alternatives for cloud storage. 

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  • Sarah Leighton

    Even though this is marked as resolved, I am having this issue in the current version of Box Drive. In particular it seems to happen if I close a file and then need to reopen it shortly thereafter. However, it also happens in other scenarios. 

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  • Sue Ann Levi

    We have a similar issue and have found that our IP has been blocked. Unable to access/upload any files to the platform with our business connection. any other internet connection is having no issues. Agree with the above, lack of phone support or actually being able to reach a true technician is very frustrating. issue has been ongoing since Late Nov 23.

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  • Olivia Teufel

    I am currently having this issue and no one else on my team is having the issue. How do I get in contact with an actual person to help me from Box?? Been dealing with this for weeks now. 

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  • Tracy White

    This is a current issue that is now affecting some of our staff using the corporate instance of Box.  An external consultant has uploaded two files - I can download the CSV but not the Excel Spreadsheet. Also cannot preview the spreadsheet, I get the error reported here and have noticed the logo for the file is not showing the usual Microsoft Excel logo

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  • Jeffrey Kahrs

    I can't download a file that was sent to me in Box.

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  • Unable to upload any documents in BOX

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  • Vimal Varadachari

    Our Org facing same issue, Does Box team have ETA on this resolution?

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  • Shannon McNeil

    I just created an account to access files shared with me. I can see them, but I cannot read them. Clicking produces "This preview didn’t load because the document may be protected. Please try to open or download the file to view." But clicking Download results in either a temporary popup "Your download will begin shortly.", or nothing. Nothing is ever downloaded. What to do? 

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