Unable to Login to Box Drive

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  • Ashly

    Because Box Support doesn't exist for anyone with a free account, I was able to fix the issue and here are the steps I took:

    • Make sure Edge is your default browser when you first log in; you can change it to whatever once you are logged in
    • My main issue was my Box account was linked through Google and so when I would try and sign in, it would try and log in through Google instead of a password. If this is your issue, you will need to unlink your Box account with Google. To do so:
      -> Go to Box.com and log in
      -> In the top-right corner, click on the account icon and click "Account Settings"
      -> Go to the "Integrations" tab
      -> The first setting should be "Application Linked to Your Account." Click the reset button next to Google.
      -> Go to the "Account" tab and scroll down to "Account Authentication" and make sure a password is set. If not, do so.

    This fixed my problem but might not fix yours. I've seen other posts mentioning needing to uninstall Box Drive, install Box Sync, then install Box Drive. Or even downloading an older version of Box Drive. Good luck to anyone who has this problem.

    To Box - The fact that you put support behind a paywall and then push all free-account support to a community forum that doesn't even have active Box employees answering questions is the lowest of the low. If I could switch cloud storage providers, I would in a heartbeat.

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  • LouB

    Ashley I've been trying to find a way around this impasse for several weeks now. The box suggestion to uninstall and reinstall the app just didn't work out. I was steeling myself for another attempt involving box sync when I came across your post.

    I'm happy to report that this solution worked for me with a tiny variation. My account had no password and the UI wouldn't let me set a password. I addressed this by going to another computer and using the "reset password" link from the login screen. I suppose I could have accomplished the same thing by installing another browser. 

    In any case, after unlinking the google authentication integration, and resetting the password, I was able to login to the box drive app. Thanks for the password reset hint. 

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