Launch Error

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  • Ang Chen

    i have exact same issues, and already tried uninstall and install Box Driver again and again. Also tried to use terminal to open But still not figure out the root cause. Need Box support help for this Launch Error. 

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  • Hunter Hambright

    I have the same issue, py2app error with no details on how to actually solve.  I have tried uninstalling, re-installing, software updates, Mac OS updates, etc.  I created a new user account and box drive worked fine, but it's only on my user account that I get this error.  I don't even have py2app installed, so seems like something else is going on here.

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  • Emily Furtado

    I have tried getting in touch with box support but they keep re-directing me to this page :( Will update if I get some info 

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  • Hunter Hambright

    Why is this marked as answered? 

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  • Emily Furtado

    I'm not sure. I put in a tech support ticket so we'll see 

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  • Hunter Hambright

    Hey Emily 

    I worked with my internal IT team to solve the issue with my specific laptop, not sure if it will help.  I had a file within my python/3.11/lib/python/site-packages directory called distutils-precedence.pth that looks like within the file that contained "var = 'SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS'; enabled = os.environ.get(var, 'local') == 'local'; enabled and __import__('_distutils_hack').add_shim(); "

    I nullified this document by changing the name to distutils-precedence.pth (nullify) and the issue is resolved

    Hope it helps! 

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  • Emily Furtado

    Thank you so much Hunter!! I actually got in touch with my internal team who were able to help me based on your comment. We had to trash the file instead of changing the name but that fixed the issue!

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