Files disappeared

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  • Florence Gayhart


    I’m sorry to hear about your missing files. Here are some steps you can take to try and recover them:

    Check the Box Trash: Even though you mentioned the files are not in the trash, it’s worth double-checking. Sometimes files can be accidentally moved there.
    Search for Files: Use the search function in Box to look for the missing files. They might have been moved to a different folder by mistake.
    Check Version History: If you have version history enabled, you might be able to restore a previous version of the files.
    Check for Sync Issues: If you use Box Sync or Box Drive, ensure that there are no sync issues. Sometimes files might not sync properly and appear to be missing.
    Review Activity Logs: If you have admin access, check the activity logs to see if there were any actions taken on the files.
    Taking these steps should help you locate your missing files.













    Best Regards,
    Florence Gayhart
    my lowes life

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  • Box User

    Dear Florence,
    Thank you for your attempt to help, but nothing helped.

    • Double checked trash: files are not there
    • Searched for files: not found
    • Version History: works only on files, but since there are no files, that didn't help either
    • Sync Issues: not relevant since I am looking directly into via browser.
    • Activity Logs: didn't help since there is no unusual activity there.

    Frankly, I didn't expect such a thing after years of migrating to and using I've found several similar requests on this forum and I don't see anyone from trying to actively help their users. All together it is enough for me to migrate to another, more reliable service. I'm sorry though, because box seemed convenient and quite workable.

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