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Box API returns HTTP 403 when trying to collaborate APP-USER

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1 comment

  • pcapdown

    I also tried using the user-id rather than the email address:


    BoxFolder root = BoxFolder.getRootFolder(enterpriseAccess);
    BoxCollaborator collaborator = new BoxUser(enterpriseAccess, APP_USER_NAME);
    root.collaborate(collaborator, BoxCollaboration.Role.VIEWER_UPLOADER);

    This returned a 404:

    {"type":"error","status":404,"code":"not_found","context_info":{"errors":[{"reason":"invalid_parameter","name":"id","message":"Invalid value 'qed.warehouse'. 'id' with value 'qed.warehouse' not found"}]},"help_url":"http:\\/\\/developers.box.com\\/docs\\/#errors","message":"Not Found","request_id":"removed for privacy57a8c5526b735"}

    It is as if my new App User was not created.


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