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JWT Token refresh / timeout

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1 comment

  • kendomen

    I believe the default is around 60 minutes.


    I've been using the SDK so there seems to be wrappers around token management.  For example:

    public static BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection getAppEnterpriseConnection(String enterpriseId, String clientId,
                String clientSecret, JWTEncryptionPreferences encryptionPref, IAccessTokenCache accessTokenCache) {
            BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection connection = new BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection(enterpriseId,
                    DeveloperEditionEntityType.ENTERPRISE, clientId, clientSecret, encryptionPref, accessTokenCache);
            return connection;

    but if you don't use the SDK, I do both.  I check to see if token has expired and I also wrap it in a try/catch for 401 errors.


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