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  • kendomen

    Here's an example


    BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection api = BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.getAppEnterpriseConnection(
                    ENTERPRISE_ID, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, encryptionPref, accessTokenCache);
            Iterable managedUsers = BoxUser.getAllEnterpriseUsers(api, "***email address removed for privacy***");
            for (BoxUser.Info managedUser : managedUsers) {
                System.out.println(managedUser.getName() + " " + managedUser.getStatus());
                if (managedUser.getStatus().equals(BoxUser.Status.ACTIVE)) {
                    // Used to get AppUser or ManagedUser
                    BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection userApi = BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.getAppUserConnection(managedUser.getID(), CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, encryptionPref, accessTokenCache);
                    BoxItem.Info boxItem = BoxFolder.getSharedItem(api, "");
                    BoxFolder publicFolder = (BoxFolder)boxItem.getResource();
                    Iterable items = publicFolder.getChildren();
                    for (BoxItem.Info item : items) {
                        System.out.println("\t" + item.getName());
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  • vineethmup2

     I was able to get the enterpise acess token, but not the user tokens. I tried to user tokens by OATH with JWT. 

    I am getting "Cannot obtain user token based on the enterpise configuration for your app?"  error when trying to authenicate on behalf of user.

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  • kendomen

    I think you may need to set the scope in your app.  Here's what I have



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  • vineethmup2

    Thank you very much  ! for helping me out

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