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Periodic 404s calling events API

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  • markrobel

    Yes, we are also noticing periodic 404s when calling the Search endpoint through the Java API, over the last two days. I've added retry logic and found that it will successfully call search several times, then fail with a 404, and when I retry that same failed call, it works, etc.

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  • ecito

    We are seeing the same behavior when requesting the items for a particular folder id


    https://api.box.com/2.0/folders/ id>/items


    It will work most of the time, 404 once intermittently, then work again most of the time, fail... etc...

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  • amatta

    I am facing same 404 issue very intermittently is there any one from box the conform on this? 

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  • ChuckBoeheim

    I just opened a ticket with Box on this issue and they have now posted an incident on their status page.  You may

    want to open your own ticket, or just follow the incident page.





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  • ChuckBoeheim

    Box says they have fixed the issue and I have stopped seeing the errors.


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  • nhill40

    Yup, I also opened a ticket - errors have since abated.


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