Salesforce SDK collaborate() issue
I am having issues getting the SDK to add a Group collaborator to my Folder. I am able to create a folder template structure using the BoxToolkit. From the documentation and my tests, I am unable to use the boxToolkit.createCollaboration() method as that it seems to only support the addition of User records, which is why I using the SDK.
The code I am trying to execute is:
BoxApiConnection api = new BoxApiConnection(''); BoxCollaborator user = new BoxGroup(api, ''); BoxFolder folder = new BoxFolder(api, ''); folder.collaborate(user, BoxCollaboration.Role.EDITOR);
VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT [128]|response|"System.HttpResponse[Status=Unauthorized, StatusCode=401]"|0x61ebcbba
I scoured the developer portal configuration for My App, but couldnt find anything. I tried the Application Scope to give Enterprise properties, Groups but that didnt seem to work either.
Any help on what i might be doing wrong would be great! Thanks!
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