Template folder tree in salesforce opportunities

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  • bbfaef

    Hello Lewis,


    I am no expert, but I found the documentation example helpful for this:

    // Instantiate the Toolkit object
    box.Toolkit boxToolkit = new box.Toolkit();
    // Create a folder and associate it with an account
    Id accountId = '***number removed for privacy***FBozz';
    String accountFolderId = boxToolkit.createFolderForRecordId(accountId, null, true);
    system.debug('new item folder id: ' + accountFolderId);
    // Create two sub-folders in the newly created account folder
    String legalFolderId = boxToolkit.createFolder('Legal Documents', accountFolderId, null);
    system.debug('Legal Folder id: ' + legalFolderId);
    String pictureFolderId = boxToolkit.createFolder('Pictures', accountFolderId, null);
    system.debug('Picture Folder id: ' + pictureFolderId);
    // Collaborate the current user on the account folder. Note that we're sending false for the optCreateFolder param that shouldn't actually matter since the folder(s) already exists 
    Id userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
    box.Toolkit.CollaborationType collabType = box.Toolkit.CollaborationType.EDITOR;
    String collabId = boxToolkit.createCollaborationOnRecord(userId, accountId, collabType, false);
    system.debug('new collaboration id: ' + collabId);
    // ALWAYS call this method when finished. Since salesforce doesn't allow http callouts after dml operations, we need to commit the pending database inserts/updates or we will lose the associations created

    I created a trigger on our Case object that takes the Case Attachments and Creates the Box folder, uploads the files to Box, and then creates subfolders using the code above.


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  • chrisaccrue1

    Hi, Everyone,

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!


    New to Box and the Salesforce Toolkit...I'm trying to replicate this creation of a folder template for each Opportunity, in my case doing it in a Trigger. My code is below.


    I am able to get the folderId for the first folder, but I don't know where it is actually created. Then my subfolders are just not created. What am I missing? My apologies if it's elementary, as I'm not much of a developer.


    trigger createLoanFolders on Opportunity (before update) {
    // Instantiate the Toolkit object

    for(Opportunity o : Trigger.new){

    box.Toolkit boxToolkit = new box.Toolkit();

    // Create a folder and associate it with an opportunity

    String oppFolderId = boxToolkit.createFolderForRecordId(o.Id, null, true);
    system.debug('new item folder id: ' + oppFolderId);

    // Create two sub-folders in the newly created account folder
    String financialsFolderId = boxToolkit.createFolder('Company Financials', oppFolderId, null);

    system.debug('Company Financials Folder id: ' + financialsFolderId);
    String healthFolderId = boxToolkit.createFolder('Health Benefits', oppFolderId, null);
    system.debug('Health Benefits Folder id: ' + healthFolderId);

    // Collaborate the current user on the account folder. Note that we're sending false for the optCreateFolder param that shouldn't actually matter since the folder(s) already exists
    Id userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
    box.Toolkit.CollaborationType collabType = box.Toolkit.CollaborationType.EDITOR;
    String collabId = boxToolkit.createCollaborationOnRecord(userId, o.Id, collabType, false);
    system.debug('new collaboration id: ' + collabId);

    // ALWAYS call this method when finished. Since salesforce doesn't allow http callouts after dml operations, we need to commit the pending database inserts/updates or we will lose the associations created





    Thanks so much!


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  • bbfaef

    Are you the Box Admin? You could search under the root folder for the specific Opportunity folder.


    It could also be that the FRUP records are not created - these tell Box and SF that you should have access (Read/Write) based on your SF permissions to the object - the Opportunity in this case.


    I found lots of info in the Custom Settings in SF - look for "Folder Details" to find your root folders and their Ids.

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