

  • DHadsell

    Hi , did you get it working? I'm about to start on this myself and everything I've found are other posts asking the same thing. I have a workflow that runs on my desktop and accesses Box files. I need to schedule that workflow on our server but there's no connection to Box on the server. I was told to try to connect to Box API using the Download tool but I've yet to see an example of where someone was successful with this.


    Any insight on what you've learned would be appreciated. Thank you!

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  • Kourtney

    Hello All -


    Just wanted to jump in here from the Box side of things and let you know that we don't currently have an integration with Alteryx, nor are there plans to build one at this time. However, if this is something you'd like us to build I'd encourage you to submit a feature request to our product team so other customers can upvote it as well and we can better gauge interest. 




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  • mcha54

    Wondering if anyone has any progress on this? I have some small python scripts that grab file information and wanted to convert it Alteryx/Download tool so I can incorporate it better into our workflows. I'm however stuck on how to authenticate it (JWT). Essentially, just need to know how to authenticate it via a cURL request since that is how the Download tool works.

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  • braden

    Hey  !


    Were you able to get it working? It sounds like you simply need to authenticate your app with Box using JWT, but you should consider using Python when attempting to do so since we don't have any documentation for authenticating with JWT using cURL. For Python, we have the following Developer Documents article which should be able to walk you through authenticating with JWT:


    Hope that helps!





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  • mcha54

     No we haven't been able to get it to work. With Alteryx (rather, Alteryx Server) we are not able to use scripts like that directly, hence trying to work around by using cURL requests (the Alteryx "Download" tool). If we are able to figure out how to authenticate with JWT and cURL requests, it would unlock so much potential here and help us leverage Box a whole lot more.

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  • Danish Imam

    Hello all,

    we also got requirement to integrate between Alteryx and Box to upload and download files

    Did anyone got the solution ? Can you please guide us.

    Thank you,



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