Regarding usage of boxsdk in python - Security Issue

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  • cbetta

     thanks for bringing this up, it's a very good question. 


    In general, most SDKs have external dependencies, although often they are kept to a minimum to limit the security surface area.


    A good practice for any library would be to ensure that external dependencies are fixed to a specific minor release of that dependency (e.g. 1.2.X). As you can see, our Python SDK does this here.


    A second good practice is to check for known vulnerabilities in any dependencies using a vulnerability tracker. Our code for the Python SDK is hosted on GitHub and GitHub introduced this feature last year. 


    If you want to know more about how we build our SDKs, I'd recommend opening an issue on the Python SDK GitHub repo so that our SDK team can get back to you with any answers you may need. They would love to hear and understand about your issue installing the SDK on Linux.

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