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Renaming Box Application Name

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  • cbetta

     the service account gets the application name when it is created, but it is not automatically synced when you update the application name. 


    Now the good news is that the service account is just a user, so you can change its name using the usual /user endpoints. I hope this helps.

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  • thomastaylorjr

    Thanks ! I guess I'll have to request for that "Manage Users" scope again, but that's fine. Quick question: is there a way I can update the profile picture for the service account? I don't see a way to do that with the Python SDK, unless I'm mistaken?

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  • cbetta

    I don't think this is currently possible . What exactly is the reason you want to do this?

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  • thomastaylorjr

     It's not crucial, we just wanted some customization for our app. Thanks for your help!

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