Markdown preview and images from box

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  • Jason

    Hey ,


    Welcome to the forum! Glad to hear you're getting started with Box!


    If you're using shared links directly within an .md file, the shared link on its own won't render an image, because it's just a link. The way you'd "embed" an image (or any document) from Box onto a page would be by using Box Embed:


    It's a small change in how you construct the URL, and then wrapping the embed link in an iFrame. The one thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn't look to use Box as a CDN for pure "hosting". Using an embed widget will still show a Box header, a download button, etc.


    Hope that helps!




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  • mohas4

    My markdown file and image that I am trying to embed are in box. I have tried using the embed widget but it didn't work. Could you please share the sample code/steps showing what exactly needs to be done to render the image correctly?



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