Possible to upload files to a Box 'file request' URL via linux CLI?

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  • jcleblanc

    Hi  ,


    If I understand your request (and please correct me if I'm wrong) you'll looking for a public URL structure for a file stored in Box that can be processed as a download URL for another service?


    I know you said that you weren't looking for an API solution, but there is a lightweight way of doing this without a deep app integration. I've outlined the process for creating a public URL in this previous post, which I think may help get you there.




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  • colohost

    No, I'll give an example.  If I want you to send me a file, without adding you as a collaborator to a folder, I log into Box via web browser, go to the folder where I want your file to end up, click "File Request".  Box will spit out a URL that I can then send you, you plug it into your browser, and you get a website that says hey drop your files here.  If you drop a file, it ends up in my folder, you have no additional access.


    What I'm trying to accomplish is to take that same file request URL that works fine in a regular web browser, and use it via curl or similar command line tool to upload a file via linux command line.  We have customers who would like to send us data directly from a linux system, and they don't want to take the additional step of download file to a desktop computer, then upload back to Box via the File Request URL we send them.

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  • Kourtney

     Unfortunately we don't have an API endpoint to interact with the file request feature at this time. I highly recommend submitting this feedback to pulse.box.com if you'd like to see this added! 




    Box Technical Support Engineer 

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  • colohost

    Oh, not even looking for something that formal.  I'm just wondering if there's any type of command line web request executable, such as curl or wget, that is capable of properly interacting with the Box "File Request" feature's javascript to allow for the uploading of a file to the file request URL without the need to use a 'real' browser like Firefox, etc.  The issue I ran into is the URL the 'file request' produces is not just able to receive a POST request from curl and receive the file using the typical -F multipart POST request that curl would normally use to send files to a remote URL.

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  • JeffGrisso

    Hello, I need this functionality too...


    Is there a way to upload a file using bash scripts (cURL) to a Box File Request page?

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  • Christopher Stehno

    I don't know about bash or linux, but here's how I do it on Powershell on Windows: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64008466/1411058 

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  • Alexander Gurvich

    It seems like some people have had success using curl to upload files to box: 


    But I can't get this to work using a file request URL. @colohost, if you ever solved this problem please let us know!

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  • colohost

    Unfortunately did not.  I suspect Box cares about providing such a solution about as much as releasing a usable version of Box Drive for the M1 chip.

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