How to generate developer token automatically from code?

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  • LoCortes

    Hello Sahil,


    First of all, I understand that you are using the Developer Token because you are testing an application you are doing. If that it is not the case, you should not be using the developer token as it is only intended to be used for short periods.


    The first option you have would be implement the authentication process using OAUTH and JWT to generate tokens on real time. That would be probably one of the best options but I know that can be complex to achieve that.


    As a second option, and for testing purposes or a temporary solution, you could use the New Box View approach ( There is this new kind of authentication method based on two APP Tokens (primary and secundary) that allow to upload, preview and delete documents only. Maybe it is enough for you. This provides a token that does not expire and that could be used for that. Bear in mind that the purpose of this type of authentication is more focused on temporary documentation that wants to be rendered but that eventually will be deleted.


    I hope this helps.



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