Unable to connect programatically using SDK - Error 400
We use Box to programatically connect to our application whitelisted in box and we have a bunch of app users that we have created.
This used to work for us, we programatically (using enterprise connection) deleted a bunch folders (not application users) and recreated them, and now we are not able to connect to Box using our application/developer user... We are able to connect using enterprise connection. Also we had 2 admin accounts on Box and one of which that created/authorized our application. That admin account is now removed, but the other admin is still there. We tried to re-authorize our app and that didn't help either. Lookng for some suggestions on what could be wrong...
Also I can't find a way to find the sub error-code that goes along with error 400 to know exactly what caused error 400
Rupa --
20***phone number removed for privacy***:18:32,468 [nio-8080-exec-7] ERROR c.w.p.b.BoxConnectionProvider - Error creating box connection:
com.box.sdk.BoxAPIException: The API returned an error code: 400
at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIResponse.(BoxAPIResponse.java:70)
at com.box.sdk.BoxJSONResponse.(BoxJSONResponse.java:30)
at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIRequest.trySend(BoxAPIRequest.java:423)
at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIRequest.send(BoxAPIRequest.java:209)
at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIRequest.send(BoxAPIRequest.java:184)
at com.box.sdk.BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.authenticate(BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.java:245)
at com.box.sdk.BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.tryRestoreUsingAccessTokenCache(BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.java:305)
at com.box.sdk.BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.getAppUserConnection(BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.java:212)
at com.wmc.partnerportal.box.BoxConnectionProvider.getUserConnection(BoxConnectionProvider.java:56)
This is the detailed error message:
Message - The API returned an error code: 400
Response Code - 400
Response - {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Cannot obtain user token based on the enterprise configuration for your app"}
com.box.sdk.BoxAPIException: The API returned an error code: 400
at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIResponse.(BoxAPIResponse.java:70)
Interesting. My guess is the OAuth credentials that you used to connect were associated with the app users you used initially so when you deleted them the credentials went as well. You might have to re-auth the new app users you've created and login them in with the new credentials.
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