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How to use Box internally in my organization

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1 comment

  • crajan

    Hi Sravan,


    Thanks for developing on Box platform. 


    There's mulitple ways to authenticate on Box, please read https://docs.box.com/docs/oauth-20


    The easiest way to get started might be to download one of our SDK's https://docs.box.com/page/sdks and simply enter your credentials. 


    Once you're logged in you can follow our API docs for how to move/copy data detailed here: https://docs.box.com/reference#copy-a-file


    Here's the Java code: 

    package com.box.sdk
    public class BoxFile
    public BoxFile.Info copy(BoxFolder destination)
    public BoxFile.Info copy(BoxFolder destination, String newName)


    Let us know if there's anything specific we can help with. 

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