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No thumbnail representation available

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  • tonyjin

    We don't generate PDF representations for files that are originally PDFs. See this answer: https://community.box.com/t5/Box-Developer-Forum/PDF-representations-after-pdf-upload/m-p/45472#M3306

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  • BuyerDeck

    Hi Tony,

    Thanks, I know, that was actually my other post you answered previously. Thanks for that.
    But this is different issue, I am not getting thumbnail representations for some  documents, pdfs, which are previewable through BoxViewer and downloadable without problems.

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  • tonyjin

    Whoops 🙂 


    What is the request you're making? I tested both a DOCX and a PDF file and was able to get thumbnail representations for both:





    Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

    X-Rep-Hints: [jpg?dimensions=320x320] (or 1024x1024 or w/e sizes defined in https://developer.box.com/reference#get-a-thumbnail-for-a-file)


    This should return JSON with representations.entries.content.url_template, and you can swap out {+asset_path} with the empty string and append an access token to access that thumbnail.

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  • BuyerDeck


    No worries 🙂

    Yes, it happens successfully for me too, mostly. But when I try reuploading document from Box, downloading it through Box Picker and uploading it to our Box (via same API that is working for the rest of the files). I can't get any thumbnail representation. File is there, uploaded properly, and previewable but no thumbnail

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  • tonyjin

    Please share some more details:

    • Pick a file for which you're seeing this issue - what's the file extension?
    • What's the exact API call you're making including headers (redact the access token please)?
    • I don't quite follow the steps you're describing. Are you re-uploading a file you've downloaded from the Box WebApp? What is the Box Picker you're referring to? When you say 'our Box' is that your Box account or your platform application built using Box?


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