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  • Kourtney



    Thanks so much for using our Platform and Development Forum! 


    I usually see people getting 404 errors for this when the user associated with their token is not a collaborator on the content they're trying to get the shared link for. 


    If the user associated with your token is indeed a collaborator, please provide the full body error response you receive (including the request ID), so I can take a look on the backend for more details about your error! 




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  • cuongbphv

    This is my error:

    "message":"Not Found"

    I set access is "open" , password is "null" and download is "true" so I develop my website use access token. Thanks for supporting!

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  • Kourtney



    It looks like you're using the try it function on our developer website to do this. Could you please provide me with the file/folder ID you're passing? 




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  • Eric Schrepel

    I'm having a similar issue; I have Python code working fine to set get_shared_link to either "open" or "company", but it throws the 404 when trying to set to "collaborators".

    I'm able to run the API test using the same folder at https://developer.box.com/reference/put-folders-id--update-shared-link/, and can choose any of open, company, or collaborators, so it seems like I should have permissions to run it from my own python code (after making the OAuth connection):

    item = client.folder(folder_id='138891053549').get()
    url = item.get_shared_link(access='collaborators', allow_download=True)
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