Automatic jump to embedded document

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  • Kourtney



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  • wellemut

    I have the same problem on my page. When I send people this link, the user jumps right to the embeded Iframes, which is very annoying:


    How can I solve this?


    Thank you!

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  • Jason

    Hey  ,


    Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear about the issues! Happy to explain! The reason you're seeing this behavior is because Box's embed widget uses this underlying library (also from Box):


    There's an autoFocus option in the underlying javascript that is defaulted to true in the Embed Widget, but the embed widget won't allow you to alter the autoFocus option directly.


    Technically speaking, you have a few options, in my personal order of preference:

    • Use the underlying Javascript library yourself. If you managed to figure out the rest of the Box API and build your own page, it sounds like you'll be able to do this just fine!
    • If not, you can also try building a window to make the user "Click to expand" and then display/load the iframe. That way, the autofocus doesn't happen until the user clicks "Expand".
    • Set a timeout for how long you think the page will take to load, and then set the focus somewhere else (top of the page) after the timeout completes. For example, wait four seconds and then set the focus to the top of the page. This is a bit of a hacky workaround, so I wouldn't recommend it... but it is there.

    Hope that helps and gives you some ideas. There was a recent post about it here:


    And I also got a few of those ideas from searching around stackoverflow for issues with iframes taking the page's focus.


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