RaiDrive cannot login after a restart of PC saying "Refresh token expired"!
Hello, this is my first post here.
I have been trying to find ways of limiting the amount of storage space used on my system drive and cam across "RaiDrive", which is an app that allows me to map online storage providers such as Box, Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive as "network drives" as though it was a disk physically attached to my network here at home and am able to access it as it were such a drive.
I have been encountering issues since I migrated my systems over to Windows 10.
To be more specific here:
I have been having issues where I can login to Box using RaiDrive as normal and it connects and I am able to see the files and folders on it, however, it is read only for RaiDrive access and I am not sure why, all the other providers I havementioned allow full access as though I were accessing a disk on my network.
When I restart the PC, I get the following error:
Does anyone know what if anything is causing this?
What is also more puzzling is that when I relogin, the drive is read only and I have tried readding the account and it does not have an option to uncheck "read only" and it is ticked perma. Has there been a change in the abilities of Box?
I am also having problems similar to . Let me list briefly the issues:
- It is read-only for RaiDrive.
- RaiDrive does not appear to be listed in Apps tab on forum.
- Every time I restart my PC, I've to re-authorise RaiDrive to access my Box.
Regarding the read-only issue, I guess, to disable this functionality for (or/and some other cloud services that RaiDrive supports, like pCloud, Yandex Disk...), maybe we have to pay for it, for RaiDrive software. But I don't found them mentioning this issue (read-only) in their policy.
Keep in mind that we're dealing with a 3rd party application here, RaiDrive. This could end up being an issue that RaiDrive needs to solve but just to ensure there's nothing funky happening on the Box side of things, will you both please submit tickets here so we can dig in a little deeper:
Please include in your tickets any relevant error screenshots and a timestamp (date, hour:minute, timezone) for an attempted login through RaiDrive.
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