Api limit clarification
AnsweredI've been searching around and doing my own experimentation on rate limits for the Box API, and so far, I've found the following:
- There is a stated limit of 1000 requests per minute
- Other users on the forums have pointed out a 10 requests per second limit
- My own testing seems to be a little more erratic, but generally if I stay around 9 requests per second, I do not encounter any 429 responses.
1000 / 60 == 16.6, not 10, so I'm a little confused as to why when I attempt to run anymore than 9 or 10 requests per second, I get 429's all over the place. There seems to be a lot of inconsistency and disagreement about what the actual limits are.
For reference, I'm building an app that will need to scan a (potentially) large file store, and get information on each resource found. Knowing what limits I need to stay below so I don't 429 is ideal when running this scan.
Can anyone give me a definitive answer on the requests per second limit?
Hi ,
These are our official rate limits for Platform.
For the number of API calls per minute, 10 / sec used to be a previously documented limit, but the true current limit is 1000 API calls / minute (~ 16.66 / sec). There are a number of other applied rate limits (e.g. searches, uploads) which may be what you're encountering.
If that's not the issue in your tests, I would recommend filing a support ticket so that the team can take a deeper look.
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