Issue related to Create Collaboration Whitelist API

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  • jcleblanc

    Hi ,


    Typically this is related to one of two things:

    1. Your Box application doesn't have the appropriate scopes set for making the call.
    2. The access token you're using doesn't have permission to make the call. 

    For #1

    Go into your application on the developer console and try selecting all of the available scopes to see if that's the issue. Read / write files, manage groups, or manage users should be the appropriate one needed. Make sure to reauthorize your application afterwards if you're using a JWT app to bring in the changes.


    For #2

    Ensure that the developer token you're using has permission to make the request for the user. For instance, if you're using a developer token you won't be able to access files / folders from another account, unless you have permission to access those files / folders.


    - Jon

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