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Third-party backups of Box

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  • Philip Owen-Burke

    I too would like to know if anyone has found a 3rd party external backup.



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  • Shaun August

    I'm doing this using Goodsync (https://www.goodsync.com). I download box folders nightly to an offsite server (mac mini) and then I use Backblaze to sync all the files on the server to the cloud. This way I have a local and offsite backup of all our data. Probably overkill but I'm paranoid! I believe you can also use Goodsync to sync box directly to Amazon, dropbox or Backblaze too but I've never set it up that way.

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  • Tom Szauer

    The issue I see with sync scenarios is the dependent version of that backup. In case of a ransomeware attac, a sync setup would simply sync these now encrypted files to your backup location. An independent thrird party backup solution (e.g. cloud based) could help but I have experienced very long restore times which make the backup (while working nicely) useless in cases where large amounts of data get corrupted (e.g. ransomeware attack).

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