Integrating Box w/ External App

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    Hey Robert, 

    Welcome to Box and congratulations on your first application! 

    I see you've selected a Limited Access App as your app type and I do want to caution that this app type does have limited API capabilities and is generally leveraged if you just want to use with Box's preview services. If I understood your use case correctly I think that may work for you, but I did want to make sure to call it out just in case. 

    As for giving your application access to content, the main thing you'll need to understand is that the default access token used is for the application's service account. You can verify this by making a call to the get current user endpoint. Your output should validate that you're working with a user with an auto-generated email address in the format This is the email address you'll want to add as a collaborator on the content you want your app to have access to. You can do that via the UI or you'll need to obtain a token for a user that already has access to the content and can invite collaborators. 

    I hope that helps lead you in the right direction! Best of luck. 



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