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Box needs to be reinstalled when updates on mac

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  • Bella Hadid



    The issue you described with the Box application for Mac requiring a complete reinstallation after every update is indeed frustrating, especially for users without administrative rights. Here's how you can address the problem:   SnapTik com

    1. Check for Known Issues or Updates from Box
    Visit the Box Support Center or their community forums to see if this is a recognized issue. Box often releases updates to resolve such bugs.
    2. Provide Feedback to Box
    Report the issue directly to Box via their support channels. Highlight how this affects users without admin rights.
    3. Temporary Workarounds
    Pre-installed Applications: If your organization manages devices centrally, work with IT to pre-install the updated Box version through a device management solution like Jamf or Intune.
    Admin Account Setup: Consider creating a limited admin account that can be used for such updates, then disable it afterward.
    4. Check Update Settings
    Verify if the Box application offers a "silent" or "automatic" update feature that doesn’t require admin rights for future updates.
    5. Deploy Box via MDM (Mobile Device Management)
    Use MDM solutions to push updates to all user devices. This avoids the need for individual user intervention.
    6. Validate File Permissions
    Ensure that the user account has proper permissions to install updates. Sometimes, issues arise due to incorrect permissions in the /Applications directory.


    Best Regards

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  • Amine AMARA

    how can i create a ticket please ?

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